Frequently Asked Questions

  • What does it cost?

At this time, we are accepting pre-registrations and intend to open ordering shortly. We anticipate offering the orbital Celestial Tribute service starting at $249. We will offer optional add-on services at the time of ordering.

  • What is a Hero Tribute?

The Hero Tribute program provides opportunities to sponsor a Celestial Tribute spaceflight for a hero who has served in the US Armed Forces, as a first responder, or educator.

  • When is the launch?

All of our launches are completed on “Rideshare” missions. Our satellite is a small add-on to an existing launch of a much larger satellite or many other small satellites. Once your Celestial Tribute is assigned to a mission, our team will send you an update on projected launch date.

  • How can I view the launch?

As the launch date approaches, our team will share information on where, when, and how to view the launch, in person and virtually.

  • Why is the Celestial Tribute so small?

We selected the size to provide an opportunity to send a symbolic portion of your loved ones’ remains to space and create a lasting tribute at an affordable price, while retaining the remainder for additional memorial options.

  • How are you able to send something into space for such a low price? Doesn’t a launch cost millions of dollars?

Accessing space is expensive, but we make it attainable. We work diligently to create this affordable opportunity for you and your loved ones by utilizing existing space launches, limiting Celestial Tribute mass, leveraging economies of scale, designing and operating simple & elegant spacecraft, and minimizing administrative overhead.

  • What if the launch fails?

We use proven and highly reliable rockets, such as the SpaceX Falcon 9. In the unlikely event of a launch failure, we will provide a re-flight opportunity on the next available mission at no extra charge to you.

  • How long will the Celestial Tribute stay in orbit?

Up to 25 years, depending on the final orbit achieved.

  • What about the environment, waste, and space junk?

We design and operate our spacecraft with sustainability in mind. Our satellites ride to space aboard an existing rocket launch, minimizing waste. On orbit, they remain completely self-contained and generate no orbital debris. Our spacecraft are designed to eventually re-enter the Earth’s atmosphere and vaporize in a blaze of final glory, forever remaining aloft in the atmosphere.

  • How will I track the Celestial Tribute on orbit?

Once the launch provider confirms that the spacecraft has reached orbit, our team will update you with the final orbital parameters and an easy-to-use method to track its journey for years to come.

  • Can someone fill the Celestial Tribute vial for me?

Yes. Contact your preferred funeral home. Most will do it for you at no charge.

  • My loved one is not human. Can beloved pets fly too?

Absolutely! Our spacecraft has a special section designated for our cherished companions.

  • My loved one loved her cats. Can they fly together?

Sure! Humans can fly commingled with their dear friends in the pets section of the spacecraft.

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